The Jammy Mammy

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Back to School 20/21

The kids are going back to school
And I know they think it is really cool
But for me I can't help but worry
They closed in March in such a hurry
A return to school like no other year
Happiness mixed with a little fear
I know that they have to go back
And get their learning back on track
I didn't really do much at home
And I'm sure in that I'm not alone
The schools had a lot to prepare
And rules to make people aware
There was a lot of work to be done
And I'm sure that it wasn't much fun
Changing the drop off and collection
And lots more for everyone's protection
I ticked all I had to get off the list
I really hope nothing has been missed
So much to do I don't know if I'm able
But finally everything has a label
I don't think I need to do any more
Their bags are waiting by the door
They are so excited for their first day
Doing some work and having a play
I kept waking during the night
Hoping that everything will be alright
Now I hope that they get to stay
Even if this virus doesn't go away