The Seven Things I thought I’d do differently before having Children

Before I became a mother, I had lots of ideas in my head of what my life would be like

But then we had child one, shortly followed by child two only thirteen months later. And two years later child three so those ideas went out the window!!

Now it’s a matter of survival!!

The before is how I imagined things would be:

1.       No Co-sleeping


Mammy and Daddy’s bed is just for Mammy and Daddy.


I went back to work after maternity leave on first baby already pregnant. We did everything possible to get some sleep so that meant co-sleeping. Then baby two wanted in our bed too. So, it was the four of us in bed until baby three came along. Now, though they all start off in their own beds, we play musical beds most nights!!

2.       No Treats


My kids will eat all their meals and get treats only occasionally


Treats are a form of bribery. If you eat all your dinner you will get something nice to eat. If you let me leave without screaming and crying you will get something nice to eat.

3.       No Phone / Limited TV




My kids will not watch too much TV or get phones / tablets




Netflix is my best friend!! They don’t watch TV all day every day. I find with some meals I don’t mind them having TV / laptop on. Sometimes it means they will eat without noticing rather than having a battle over getting them to eat. Other times it helps so I can get something done – like have a shower without an audience!! And they get the phone sometimes in the evening when they’re tired and won’t get in their PJs otherwise.


4.       Only Combination Feeding after Six Weeks




I wanted to breastfeed, but I thought I’d introduce a bottle of formula at six weeks




I didn’t manage to breastfeed on my first due to lack of support and me not being in the right frame of mind. I was too scared to try on my second. But on my third we got it right first day. I had a great midwife who helped me to breastfeed in the recovery room. It was all going well so I didn’t feel the need to introduce that bottle of formula. She fed until after her second birthday.


5.       No Swearing




I won’t swear in front of the kids



I’m so bad. I really must try and watch my language. While I think it’s funny sometimes that they repeat my swear words I don’t think it’ll go down too well in school!! Bad mammy!!

6.       Couldn’t Survive on Less than Eight Hours Sleep




I always needed at least eight hours sleep before children. I didn’t know how I was going to survive with less.



I haven’t had a full night’s sleep since 2013! Somehow you just learn to live with less sleep. While I’m tired after a particularly bad night most days I feel fine and I just get on with it.

7.       I won’t be Late




I was always on time. Well apart from the time I was an hour late for my own wedding, but let’s not talk about that!! And that will continue after having children.



I am always late. I’ve three children six and under and somehow every time you’re trying to get out the door something happens. They can’t find their shoes. They won’t put them on. They won’t come to brush their teeth or hair. One of them needs to poo. Now that my eldest two are in school I’m really trying hard to get there on time!

So, my life isn’t exactly the way I planned it. But do you know what I wouldn’t change a thing, well except the swearing maybe!!



My Birth Story - The All Night Pain and the Emergency Section


I am Still Me