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I am Still Me
I need to remember I am Still Me

My Birth Story - The Planned Section
. While I was waiting for them to put the cannula in and do the spinal block, I tried to remember some of the GentleBirth tracks. The one that came to mind is that I am going to meet my baby soon and we can do it together. At that I felt the baby kicking inside me and I was reassured.

A Poem for My Angel
We didn't know about you for long
It doesn't mean the feelings aren't strong
I think of you and my heart is torn
If we had you she would not be born

Back to School 20/21
The kids are going back to school
And I know they think it is really cool
But for me I can't help but worry
They closed in March in such a hurry

Why I didn’t give up on my Breastfeeding Journey
I hadn’t done any research or gotten any support prior to her birth. And I was relying on support that first day that wasn’t there.
When my Body Finally Figured out how to get Pregnant it didn’t stop
Imagine finding out that you’re going to have another baby when your first baby is only four and a half months old! Let me tell you it took a while to get used to the idea.

At the end of every Storm comes a Beautiful Rainbow
It was a baby in our heads and hearts already. Before I even got that positive test, I just knew I was pregnant. But just like that I wasn't any more.

I am my Children's Parent not Teacher
I don’t want my children missing out on their education. But I am not their teacher. I am their mother.

The Easing of Restrictions
The sun will rise, the sun will set
I know we have challenges to be met
But now is not the time to mope
As we start to get a little hope

The School Year 2020
A day in March the year came to an end.
So sudden, no time to say bye to a friend.
I listened in shock to the Taoiseach say
That the schools would close that day.

My Post Labour Experience was a Terrifying Blur
I’m not sure exactly when it started to go wrong. I’m not sure if it was the complete lack of sleep – one night spent worrying about induction, one night with contractions – or the medication but the night before I was due to be discharged I think I started to panic. I couldn’t settle my daughter as every time I had her settled another baby in the room kept crying. Then that is all I can remember from that night.

Your Safe Place
To you, I am your safe place
I bend down to kiss your little face
Cuddled into the crook of my arm
Here I can keep you safe from harm

Talk of this virus is all that's in my head,
And I can't help but feel a sense of dread.
But just have to follow what they say,
And hope and pray all will be okay.

Stop Miscarriage and Infertility being a Taboo Subject
So, share your stories. Be more open. Each story shared will make it easier for the next person. We can stop this being a taboo subject one story at a time.

A little voice saying “I love you so much”
A tiny hand held out for me to touch

My Birth Story - The All Night Pain and the Emergency Section
He said that the baby's heartbeat was rising and rising and then suddenly dropped and dropped and dropped. It was so scary.

The Seven Things I thought I’d do differently before having Children
Before I became a mother, I had lots of ideas in my head of what my life would be like
But then we had child one, shortly followed by child two only thirteen months later. And two years later child three so those ideas went out the window!!
Now it’s a matter of survival!!

The Struggle to Conceive
In my head I already had that baby and was imagining if it would be a girl or a boy.

Letter to a New Mammy
The Letter I would write to a Struggling New Mammy
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