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I am Still Me

I need to remember I am Still Me

My Birth Story - The Planned Section
Featured, Motherhood Eimear Lawler Featured, Motherhood Eimear Lawler

My Birth Story - The Planned Section

. While I was waiting for them to put the cannula in and do the spinal block, I tried to remember some of the GentleBirth tracks. The one that came to mind is that I am going to meet my baby soon and we can do it together. At that I felt the baby kicking inside me and I was reassured.

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My Post Labour Experience was a Terrifying Blur
Featured, Motherhood Eimear Lawler Featured, Motherhood Eimear Lawler

My Post Labour Experience was a Terrifying Blur

I’m not sure exactly when it started to go wrong. I’m not sure if it was the complete lack of sleep – one night spent worrying about induction, one night with contractions – or the medication but the night before I was due to be discharged I think I started to panic. I couldn’t settle my daughter as every time I had her settled another baby in the room kept crying. Then that is all I can remember from that night.

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Letter to a New Mammy

The Letter I would write to a Struggling New Mammy

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