When my Body Finally Figured out how to get Pregnant it didn’t stop


We always knew we wanted more than one child.

It took us two years to conceive our daughter, including an early miscarriage. We weren’t sure how long the process would take. We weren’t expecting it to be easy anyway. I was afraid to go back on the pill after I had my first baby in case it would mess up my body, leading to another long trying to conceive (TTC) process.

We knew we wanted them close together if possible, maybe a couple of years apart. We had even made sure that our travel system converted to a double just in case.

But saying that with a new-born getting pregnant again was the last thing on my mind.

My cycles seemed a bit messed up after having my baby. I guess the hormones need to settle down. One month I got a few days of spotting and then nothing. I had a pregnancy test left over from my stash the first time around and I’d thought I’d do a test just to rule it out.

I was sitting on the bathroom floor on Facebook to pass the required three minutes for the test to work. I looked up at the test and it read “Pregnant 3 +”. I think if I hadn’t been sitting on the floor already, I would have fallen onto the floor in shock!!

Imagine finding out that you’re going to have another baby when your first baby is only four and a half months old! Let me tell you it took a while to get used to the idea. And I don’t think either myself or my husband will ever forget that phone call I had to make to him! I just couldn’t wait until I could tell him in person.

But the shock wore off and got replaced with excitement. And we were glad that we didn’t have a long TTC process second time around. There’s only 13 months between them and now at five and six they’re best friends. Well most of the time anyway!

We were lucky again when we decided to try for our third. I came off the pill which I had to go on this time just in case. I got one proper cycle and then just like that we got pregnant. There’s two years between my second and third baby. I honestly can’t believe how lucky we are. I am still so grateful that we didn’t have to go through a long process again.

It was like when my body FINALLY figured out how to get pregnant it didn’t stop!

I think our little angel was looking down on us too. On what would have been the due date we had our first early scan on our eldest. Then a year later we found out we were pregnant on our second. A year later a butterfly came into the house and didn’t leave for a few days. Another year later and we got pregnant on our third. I felt I’d get pregnant before it even happened.

There’s only just over three years between all three of my babies. Although times can be hard, I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.


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