The Jammy Mammy

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Talk of this virus is all that's in my head,
And I can't help but feel a sense of dread.
But just have to follow what they say,
And hope and pray all will be okay.
Keep your distance, wash your hands,
Postpone any unnecessary plans.
While friends and family may be apart,
They will always be in our heart.
If you're feeling scared and alone,
Go talk to someone on your phone.
Yesterday I needed a different outlook,
Instead of the news I read a book.
For now the kids are off school,
And they think it's really cool.
We need to get used to the new norm,
Even if right now we are all a bit off form.
It's ok today if we're all late to dress,
And the house is in a bit of mess.
But I will need to get in a routine,
And maybe be a home school queen!
Some days work will need to be done,
Which with kids I'm sure will be fun.
Before I feel like we are caught in a trap,
Tablets use includes an educational app.
I will also download work for them to do,
So when they're busy I can work too.
Yes, it's a hard time that we are in,
But we need to find things to make us grin.
Read a book, play and catch a ball,
Which you can do even if you're small.
The whole world has got a big fright,
But in these hard times we will unite.
To those in health for people they treat,
Those who ensure we have food to eat
I just want to say thank you so much,
From us all whose hearts you touch.