
It’s not all bad, it’s not all good

This crazy world of motherhood


The cuddle that melts my heart

My walls covered in their art

A little voice saying “I love you so much”

A tiny hand held out for me to touch


Some of the time it can be bad

And those times do make me sad

I really try not to scream and shout

But sometimes it’s hard not to let it out


But then they say sorry for being bold

And promise to do what they are told

A kiss and a cuddle and all is fine

Boy I love these kids of mine


Some days I get to stay at home

And other days I have to roam

A break away but then I start to miss

And can’t wait to give them a kiss


“Mama” called in the middle of the night

The cuddle that makes everything right

A little body curled up on top of me

It really is the best place in the world to be


Saturdays in this house are called bath day

And here they all love to stay and play

Playing with the water or maybe a toy

Spending time with my girls and boy


These little people that made me a mother

They make me so happy, a love like no other


Stop Miscarriage and Infertility being a Taboo Subject


My Birth Story - The All Night Pain and the Emergency Section