The Jammy Mammy

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The School Year 2020

A day in March the year came to an end.
So sudden, no time to say bye to a friend.
I listened in shock to the Taoiseach say
That the schools would close that day.
I know that it had to be done quick,
Before many more people got sick.
But I wanted to tell them and explain.
I guess I can't really complain,
The government had to follow advice.
The instructions were clear and concise,
Into your elbow you cough and sneeze,
Make sure to wash your hands please.
Some try to do work that teachers send,
While others don't have time to spend.
I'm sure all will catch up when they're back
The teachers I know have a special knack.
First two weeks, then it was amended,
The deadlines kept getting extended.
Then talks of a day a week in June,
Perhaps though it's still too soon.
Then not back this school year.
I'm sure that many shed a tear,
Especially those leaving a place.
There is no celebration or embrace,
No final school tour or graduation,
For some a postponed Confirmation.
Let's not forget the first Confession,
And the postponed Holy Communion.
But they will get to celebrate,
Though it will be a bit late.
All missing the last few weeks of fun,
Once the hard work is all done.
In September there may be change,
And things might be a little strange.
I know they can't wait to go back,
And get things back on track.