The Jammy Mammy

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Your Safe Place

To you, I am your safe place
I bend down to kiss your little face
Cuddled into the crook of my arm
Here I can keep you safe from harm

Then you lie down to go to sleep
I look at you with a love so deep
And then I hold your little hand
I am the luckiest mammy in the land

I know someday I'll have to let you go
I hope you remember how I love you so
One day when you're out in the wild
Don't forget you'll always be my child

Though we may have to be apart
You will always be in my heart 
The wish that I have for you today
Is that you'll always be out of harm's way 

Go and be the best that you can be
Maybe you will even think of me
But for now you're still my little one
And your days are filled with lots of fun

I'll lie beside you in the bed at night
If you cry I can make it right
With everything that I've taught you
May your heart always be true