A Poem for My Angel

We didn't know about you for long
It doesn't mean the feelings aren't strong
I think of you and my heart is torn
If we had you she would not be born

Maybe you were never meant to be
But I'd have loved if you got to meet me
You are looking down on us I know
I could feel it as my other babies grow

When her early scan was on your due date
I had a feeling it would all go great
She'd look into a corner with a smile
I thought you were visiting for a while

On the anniversary of when you were due
We found out I was pregnant on baby two
A year later a butterfly came to stay
Stayed two days and then flew away

A year later though it's hard to be believed
Was when baby three was conceived
There's other times that you were near
Even if I didn't notice you appear

When you were gone we shed a tear
We were trying for you for over a year
Sometimes we found it hard to cope
But in the end you gave us hope 


My Birth Story - The Planned Section


Back to School 20/21