My Birth Story - The Planned Section

After two previous Caesarean sections it is my hospital policy that it is automatically a section.

At my 36-week antenatal appointment I was given my section date which was four days before my due date. As the date approached, I was nervous that I would go into labour on my own before the section date as it would mean an emergency section. Thankfully, that did not happen.

The day before my planned section I had to go to the hospital. In the assessment unit I was put on a trace for monitoring. It was so lovely to hear the heartbeat and I had to push a button when I felt movement. I got my blood pressure and urine checked too and all was good. Then a doctor came to go through the consent form with me for the section which I had to sign. They did a blood test too. They measured me for the support stockings to prevent clots and gave me tablets to help with acid that they told me to take that night and the next morning.

As the day went on, I was sick with nerves thinking of the following day. I eventually managed to get a bit of a sleep but woke up and could not get back to sleep. I decided to put on the positive caesarean GentleBirth track on my phone and listened to that in bed and that helped me relax. Then it was time to get up and get ready to go. My parents arrived to look after the other two and we headed off to the hospital. We had to be there for 8 o'clock.

When we arrived, I had to go to admissions to get my security band and give my details and then went up to labour ward. A midwife was looking out for us there. We went to a room where she did a little check-up. Then we were brought to my bed in the maternity ward where I had to get the gown and stockings on. The anaesthetist came to go through some questions. Then I was brought on the bed down to outside the theatre and was transferred to a trolley. My hubby had to stay outside for a while when I was brought in.

In the theatre there were a lot of people there and I was nervous. While I was waiting for them to put the cannula in and do the spinal block, I tried to remember some of the GentleBirth tracks. The one that came to mind is that I am going to meet my baby soon and we can do it together. At that I felt the baby kicking inside me and I was reassured. Everything was done and my hubby was brought in. It took a lot longer as it was my third section so I had a lot of scar tissue and I was getting worried but eventually we heard a baby cry and I shed a tear too. Our little girl was safely with us. They did the checks on her and she was brought to me. She was perfect.

After a while, my hubby and the midwife brought her up to the maternity ward. I was stitched up which took a long time as it was my third section. Then I was brought to the recovery room and the midwife brought the baby to me. I wanted to try breastfeeding and the midwife gave me loads of help and we managed to get her latched on and it was great. My baby stayed with me until I was able to go back to the maternity ward. It was lovely not being separated for too long.

All in all, my best experience.


A Poem for My Angel