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I am Still Me
I need to remember I am Still Me

Letter to a New Mammy
The Letter I would write to a Struggling New Mammy
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. While I was waiting for them to put the cannula in and do the spinal block, I tried to remember some of the GentleBirth tracks. The one that came to mind is that I am going to meet my baby soon and we can do it together. At that I felt the baby kicking inside me and I was reassured.
We didn't know about you for long
It doesn't mean the feelings aren't strong
I think of you and my heart is torn
If we had you she would not be born
The kids are going back to school
And I know they think it is really cool
But for me I can't help but worry
They closed in March in such a hurry
I hadn’t done any research or gotten any support prior to her birth. And I was relying on support that first day that wasn’t there.
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