The Jammy Mammy

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I am Still Me

I need to remember I am still me
Because really, who else would I be
Sometimes Mammy is my name
But underneath I'm still the same

Even if it feels like I'm not
As I wipe a face full of snot
Or clean a dirty stinky poo
Or even have company in the loo

My house is always in a mess
It might be late by the time we dress
There's always so much to do
It's hard to find time for me too

And sometimes when I'm feeling alone
I go and talk to the girls on my phone
There's always someone online
And can talk about their stuff and mine

Some days I have to go away for work
I hear tales from Daddy with a smirk
I look forward to the end of the day
And hearing everything they have to say

Though they mean so much to me
Sometimes it's nice to be free
Like going to get my hair done
Or a night away for girlie fun

I need to learn to get the balance right
But I could do with more sleep at night
I am Mammy and I am still me
Living the best life with my three